Frequently Asked Questions for Employer is basically a job portal where you can post a job vacancy present at your organization. While posting a job you will be able to add various parameters to explain the exact requirements of that particular job to the job seekers. So that the viewers of the post can easily understand each and everything about the vacancy and the employers do get potential applications against their job posts.
It means that if you already have similar job post in your employer's dashboard then there is no need to create a fresh post. You can opt for the “Select existing job to re-post” option which will automatically fill all the parameters in the job post. You can then edit the post where required and post it.
When you create a post for current dates then it remains in "Active Jobs" state for one month. You can change the state of an active job to Inactive within a month period.
After one month that job post comes under "Expired jobs" state. When you create a job post for future dates then that job post comes under "Upcoming Jobs" state.
Under this section of the dashboard you can create and maintain multiple users after filling few parameters. You can also edit their access to the dashboard as you want by selecting one user access level among the options provided like Owner, Admin, and Recruiter.